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5 Reasons to build your website on WordPress

5 reasons to build your website on WordPress

Read up on why WordPress website development is the best option for you!

Each and every website has different requirements & understanding these requirements will help you decide what platform to build your website on. 

1. WordPress is easy to use and easily cusomisable with themes and plugins

One of the most common misconceptions of WordPress is that it is only used for creating a website that only features a blog. Many years ago, this was in fact the case. However, WordPress has quickly evolved over time with new releases and updates. 

On WordPress, there are thousands of free templates and themes that you can use to customise to suit your business. There is a perfect template or WordPress theme for almost anything whether that be a blog, e-commerce store, small business or professional business website. And just like themes, there are thousands and thousands of free plugins that you can download using WordPress Content Management System to help with the functionality of your website. Take a look at WP Beginners “24 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for Business Websites in 2020” to see what plugins might help you create a WordPress website. 

Almost anything is possible with WordPress CMS! 

2. WordPress is free!

Yes, that’s right. WordPress is a totally free software. This means installing WordPress comes at no cost. You can download, use and modify WordPress for free. Wondering why? Read WP beginners “Why is WordPress Free? What are the Costs? What is the Catch?” to find out why.

You must be thinking I can get a free website?! But some costs do, however, come with getting your website live on the world wide web. These include purchasing a domain name and a good web hosting service to install WordPress. We highly recommend WP Engine as a trusted hosting company. Learn more about what WP Engine offer here.  

If you’re not sure how to set up your own WordPress web design, our experienced team are happy to help get you started! Find out about our website design process here. 

3. WordPress is SEO friendly

You might be wondering what SEO stands for. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. SEO is what helps your website get seen on search engines like Google. 

What’s the point in having a website that cannot be seen on Google Search? 

When creating a website, it is important to think about how your website will be found. WordPress has a free plugin called Yoast that you can install onto your WordPress website. This plugin assists with great tips and tricks on how to optimise your website for SEO in the WordPress content management system.

If you need assistance with setting up your WordPress site’s SEO, our SEO specialist will be more than happy to assist you. Get in touch using our contact form today.

4. WordPress is safe and secure

WordPress content manager was developed with security in mind and it is considered to be a safe platform to create a free website on. However, it is important to ensure that your website plugins and WordPress core is always up to date. 

The internet can be an uncertain place, there are people out there who try and get into as many sites as possible, so it is important to take extra precautions when developing a website. For more information and tips, visit WP beginners step-by-step guide on security for beginners.

It is also recommended to install some security on your websites such as WordFence or Securi

If you need assistance keeping your site up-to-date and monitored for security regularly, read more on how we can help you with your web hosting and maintenance here or get in touch with us today

5. is the most popular content management system in the world

Around 35% of websites on the internet are powered by 

Because WordPress is such a big player in the game it has an obligation to keep all it’s software up-to-date and functioning correctly to ensure that the 35% portion of the entire internet is running smoothly! This is a big plus for you, as it means this CMS is unlikely going to stop creating new updates. 

Overall WordPress is a trusted CMS and is a great tool to create any website with (information-based, e-commerce or a blog). If you are still unsure whether WordPress is the right solution for you, get in touch with one of our friendly team members today.